Chandelier Bing.

Next to my vintage watch, one accessory I will never leave the house without are dangling earrings. I would rather be naked than roam bsn online (?!?) or the city without them! I just love how they can alter my face's roundedness into a much more flattering, um, err, shape ... I guess. But seriously, it's just impressive how they turn a blah-everyday look into something of great elegance.

Pictured above is my favorite one/pair (at the moment; which really isn't saying a lot, seeing that it changes weekly, more on that later).

The B. Clan is in America!

A good chunk of my March + the start of April was basically spent with my high school besties.
(a very photo-heavy post : as they say, pictures are worth thousands of words)

Me, Karla & Kari in Times Square!!!
( Taken after we window shopped at Forever 21, right before our dinner at Tad's Steakhouse with Hero & Bryan / an all-mornighter Karaoke fest. We got home at 4:30 <3 <3 <3 )

The next day, we visited Mary in Philadelphia. Luckily, Ryan extended his stay so we got to hang out with him too!

With 1 of the 2 "crazy kids". I'll badly miss you, Merrr - she's almost leaving for the Philippines to get into Med school. :'''(

My favorite shot was this one taken by Ryan. I loff you girls!!!

 Watched a Phillies (boo, I'm a Yankee through and through, loljk!) vs Rangers (I think?!?) game and got 'featured' on the jumbotron during half-time. :-P 

 This was how Karla and I looked like at the end of a funlong day, hee :
(Taken while we were supposed to be enjoying Hot Tub Time Machine ... or maybe we were just high from sniffing too much air purifiers, ehe.)

There will be more pictures to follow - it's just that, a certain someone *coughKARLAcough* still refuses to upload her shots on Facebook, hrmp!

Eeenie Meenie Haul : Sephora

Texas truck accident lawyers, unicorn trainers or you may already be aware of my obsession with Sephora; if not, let me reiterate it once again. Pictured above are how I spent my blogging earnings (I also got a new pair of black knee high boots out of it. And on that note, I sadly have to let go of my beloved, worn-out thigh highs, huhu).

Here's the "damage" (aka the girly 'necessities' my domain paid for)
Korres' Mango Butter Lipstick in #24 (Purple) 
Koress' Mango Butter Lipstick in #54 (Fuschia)
Benefit's Feelin Cheeky! Minis (Benetint, High Beam, Posietint)
Sephora by OPI nail polish in Just A Little Dangerous
Sephora by OPI nail colour drying drops
Anastasia's lip/eyepencil sharpener

I am presently enforcing a (strict!) makeup buying ban on myself seeing as I have enough products/backups to last me through a year, maybe two. But if there's one thing my friends can attest to, it's that cosmetics are my kryptonite so... we'll see... dun, dun, dun!!!

Peg / Thinspo.

This summer, I need to be that girl that the boys are always throwing in, or playing splashies! with in the pool. That girl that just sits on his shoulders; whose endless laugh infects the whole of the vicinity. That girl that walks freely around the deck (or sits on 2 step stools) without looking for something to cover her belly - and is okay with those tagged photos the day after ...

Or I could just be that girl that snacks on Nutella while doing a Shaycarl marathon.