When the weather outside is frightful.

Exactly one week ago, New York was engulfed by a blizzard so strong it could give Dairy Queen a run for its money. Lame-o joke, meh. But seriously, we did get hit horribly by what we could now refer to as "The Great Snowstorm of 2010".

Positively speaking, it was a perfect, magical one - the season's first heavy snowfall; arriving the day after Christmas. But my woefully unprepared city was like a deer caught in headlights... everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and so for the next 2 or so days, we were figuratively crippled (like Acid cigars submerged in water).

Here's a little pictionary timeline I cooked up for you.

A peek at how Manhattan & Queens looked like after the 15-inch Snowmageddon.

My not so silent cries of despair on Twitter.
When in doubt, take yucky webcam photos.

And if all else fails, succumb to time-wasting Facebook apps.

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